What is Moodle?

If you’re searching for a platform that can assist you faultlessly maintain a web–based program, then you should check out Moodle. Moodle is produced specifically for educators, teachers and lecturers, who want to share their expertise on the www. Moodle is an open–source application, accessible cost–free.

Despite the fact Moodle is a specialized niche application, it still is known for an exceptionally energetic and productive community. You’ll find loads of completely free templates and extensions that enhance existing primary capabilities or even integrate brand new functionalities to the Moodle platform. You will also find a good deal of web sites and discussion boards, dedicated solely to Moodle.

Moodle is a registered trademark of Martin Dougiamas and shares no affiliation with MJ Webco.

Online School Linux Shared Web Hosting Packages Services

Thanks to our Online School Linux shared web hosting packages solution, you’ll have your e–learning site set up online with merely a click. You only need to choose Moodle from the web application drop–down menu located on the order form and we’ll install your digital studying environment the minute we prepare your web hosting account. This would give give you the chance to start working on your e–learning program the minute the sign–up procedure is finalized.

Each individual Online School Linux shared web hosting packages package is backed up by a variety of service guarantees for the trouble–free performance of your web based courses. Your web hosting account will be set up free of charge and shall include a 99.9% uptime guarantee. In addition, if you’re not pleased with MJ Webco’s Online School Linux shared web hosting packages services, you could make use of our 30–day money–back guarantee.

A Point & Click Hosting Control Panel

When you manage a web based course, it’s crucial that you spend just as much time as is possible on your lessons rather than on website supervision. This is why it’s important to have a control panel that is as easy to use as feasible – MJ Webco’s Hosting Control Panel.

It’s built on top of the tailor–made shared web hosting platform and it’s made to work with it exclusively. That gives MJ Webco’s Hosting Control Panel a major advantage in performance, security and reliability over similar control panels. And also, our control panel is filled with functions and bonuses that can help you more effectively maintain your web site. With MJ Webco’s File Manager, Domain Names Manager, Mailbox Manager, Online Stats Manager and Databases Manager you will uncover how a job like site supervision turns into something simple, easy and enjoyable.