When you upload a file on a web hosting server, it takes an amount of space on the hard drive depending on its size. If you have a script-driven site which keeps its information in a database, it will require more space, the more people make use of it. To give an example, in the event that you have a discussion forum, the greater number of responses people share, the greater the database shall get. E-mail messages, particularly ones which have attachments, also take some space in the web hosting account. The HDD space quota that you will get with any shared web hosting provider is the total amount of information you could have at any given moment, it consists of website files, e-mail messages plus databases. Similarly, a home computer has a hdd and the computer software installed on it in addition to any documents and music files that you generate or download take some storage space, which can't surpass the total capacity of the hard drive.
Disk Space in Shared Web Hosting
With our shared web hosting packages, you will never be worried about hdd storage. While most companies create accounts using just a single server and at some point all the server hard disk storage will be used, we have applied a cloud web hosting platform where the files, e-mails as well as the databases are taken care of by separate groups of servers. Thus, each machine works better because just one kind of processes is working on it, plus the hdd storage is limitless because we can always install more servers or hard disk drives to the cluster, based on whether we'd like more processing power or extra storage space. You won't ever deal with a situation in which you are unable to upload more files for the reason that there's no free disk space on your server, that is a problem you may come across with many other providers. When you use our website hosting services, you can be sure that insufficient space will not be a setback for the development of your sites.
Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Owing to the fact that all our semi-dedicated server plans are really powerful, we have made the decision by no means to limit the disk space characteristic when we have created them. Our understanding is that if you purchase a powerful package, it's quite possible that you've got plenty of website information, consequently each and every semi-dedicated server package includes limitless hdd storage, which will help you center on improving your sites and not be concerned if you will fit in some quota. Your web hosting account will be made on a cloud web hosting system where the files, emails and databases use their own groups of servers, so not only will the machines function far better as only one type of system processes will work on them, but also you'll never have to worry for the disk space because we are able to attach as many servers or hard disks to every cluster as required.
Disk Space in Dedicated Hosting
Our Linux dedicated servers hosting packages include multiple hard drives to match the processing power you'll get, so that you won't ever need to worry about running out of hdd storage. The drives can be used in RAID, which means a drive can be a mirror of another drive so as to guarantee that all your data will be backed up, or it can be used independently for even larger complete storage capability. Hundreds of gigabytes of hard disk storage will be available all the time, thus you will be able to manage large websites, upload large files and even copy your archive. Considering the fact that a dedicated server is definitely the most powerful form of website hosting, you can upload/download files with ultra fast speeds. If required, we also provide you with the option to include more hard disks and employ even further space for your content. We supply three hosting Control Panels with our dedicated servers - using Hepsia, all domain names will share the whole server space and they will be operated from a single place, whereas with cPanel and DirectAdmin you'll have the alternative to create separate hosting accounts with pre-defined disk space quotas for every single domain hosted on the server.