Become aware of what a database engine is, what are the advantages of the InnoDB engine and why it's gaining a huge amount of global popularity.
InnoDB is a database engine for MySQL databases, which is used by famous PHP-driven software applications like Joomla™ 3.x and Magento. It is perfect for scalable applications, since it performs incredibly well when processing enormous amounts of data. Rather than locking the whole database table to append new information to a database like many other engines do, InnoDB locks only one row, so it can carry out a lot more operations for the same period of time. Besides, InnoDB offers a faster database crash recovery and supports transactions and foreign key constraints – rules that prescribe how data inserts and updates should be treated. In case a certain operation hasn’t been fully completed for any reason, the action will be rolled back. In this way, the database content will remain undamaged and won’t be partially merged with new content.
InnoDB in Shared Web Hosting
You will be able to activate any PHP script-driven software application that requires InnoDB if you’ve got a
Linux shared web hosting package with us, as the storage engine is available on our cutting-edge cloud platform by default. During the app installation – manual or automatic, InnoDB will be selected as the default engine and the setup process will continue flawlessly if this engine is needed. You can activate applications that use the MyISAM engine without encountering any problem as well and, again, the engine will be selected automatically, so you will not need to modify any setting manually at any point. On top of that, we’ll also perform daily backups of all the databases that you’ve got in your shared account, so in case you erase or overwrite something, we can easily get it back to the way it was on any of the past 7 days.
InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you create a brand new MySQL database through the hosting Control Panel included with all our
semi-dedicated server packages and you start installing a script-based software app either manually or using our single-click app installer, the MySQL database storage engine will be set automatically based on the requirements of the specific app. As InnoDB is present on the cloud web hosting platform where your new semi-dedicated server account will be set up, it will be set as the default engine for each app that needs it without any manual action needed on your end at any moment. To prevent any chance of losing info if you update an application or if you erase a database unintentionally, we will generate a backup of all your MySQL databases each day, so if something goes wrong, we can recover your content.
InnoDB in Dedicated Hosting
InnoDB is available by default with all
Linux dedicated servers hosting packages that are ordered with the Hepsia Control Panel. It’s an integral part of the standard software package that will be pre-installed on all Hepsia-managed servers, so as soon as your machine is assembled, you’ll be able to log in and to activate any kind of PHP-powered software app that needs this database storage engine. If you create a new MySQL database through the Control Panel, there won’t be any active engine until you begin installing an application. As soon as the app activation wizard begins entering data into the database, the engine will be selected automatically based on the requirements of the specific app, so you can run both InnoDB and MyISAM without selecting either one explicitly at any moment. Thus, you can make use of a vast variety of apps for your sites.