A data center can be identified as a complex warehouse for hosting servers. That's a facility that accommodates numerous servers used by companies for storing information and files or for executing computation services at a huge scale. Hosting, search engines and massive social networks are just a few examples of the services which require data centers for their machines since they cannot run on one server. The facilities take care of the temperatures, humidity, electrical power and connection backups so as to ensure the most efficient and uninterrupted work of all hosting servers housed there. All data centers feature 24/7 monitoring and limit the access to the machines in order to make sure that the machines are secure all of the time. The quality of any Internet service you get often depends not just on the firm you communicate with, but also on the data center facility they use.
Data centers in Shared Web Hosting
Our shared web hosting servers are located in five of the largest data centers around the world based in Chicago (USA), Coventry (UK), Pori (FI), Sofia (BG) and Sydney (AU). We offer precisely the same standard of service everywhere as our innovative cloud platform is available in all 5 of them, but for your convenience, you'll be able to choose the one you wish. The constant functioning of your websites shall be ensured by powerful diesel backup generators and numerous backbone Internet providers that each of the facilities uses in the respective country. The data centers have knowledgeable technical support teams that keep tabs on all hosting servers 24/7 and due to the fact your sites shall be hosted on our sophisticated cluster platform, you can be certain that you shall enjoy speedy and reliable service all of the time. All 5 facilities can be found on the order page, so you'll be able to select the one closest to you or to your target region.
Data centers in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you opt for one of our semi-dedicated hosting plans, you will find five data centers to select from on the order page. The reason to provide multiple locations is to make certain that your visitors shall enjoy amazing loading speeds whatever their physical location. The innovative hosting platform which we use for the semi-dedicated accounts is available in all 5 spots - the USA, the UK, BG, AU and Finland, so you shall receive the exact same high-quality service no matter your choice. All 5 facilities employ enterprise-level UPS units and powerful diesel generators to ensure that all hosting servers accommodated in each of them will remain operational in the event of a power failure. The connectivity to the servers is ensured by using several Internet providers with direct fiber routes to main cities on each continent. If any unanticipated problem appears, it shall be resolved promptly by skilled technical support teams that are available 24/7 in every one of the 5 facilities.
Data centers in Dedicated Hosting
We've picked one of the largest data centers worldwide for the dedicated server plans which we offer. The Colohouse facility in the town center of Chicago offers outstanding conditions for all hosting servers accommodated there and that's one of the reasons to choose it for our web servers. The data center is one of the best places to host Internet sites that target North America since it has direct fiber connections with numerous major cities across the USA and Canada, so how quickly site visitors will open your Internet sites shall depend exclusively on their Internet connection. Several Internet service providers and a 1.5 MW diesel backup power generator guarantee that your dedicated server will be up and running always and that your sites shall never go offline. The latest generation of Cisco network equipment and extensively tested server spare parts together with a 24-7 technical support are also amongst the factors behind our choice to offer dedicated servers inside the Colohouse facility.